Top 5 Best Centers of All Time!

Coming in at number five is Bill Russle. Bill Russle is no debate, the greatest defensive player ever, but he had a subpar offense. His career average for points per game was 15.1 which is obviously not a lot of an all time great in any position. But let’s...

Top Five Picks In The 2021-2022 NBA Draft!

First off I want to say I am in no way certified as a NBA draft analyst, but that’s not stopping me from being a self proclaimed expert draft analyst. So with that being said, in this blog I will give my top five best players in this year’s...

Suns Versus Bucks, NBA Finals

Wow, if you told me a season ago that the Suns and the Bucks would be in the NBA finals this year, I would laugh at you; now here we are. The Sun’s resilient defense and unpredictable offense actually got them to be an NBA title favorite, and the...

Do The Clippers Have A Chance?

With Chris Paul back on the floor, and the Suns being up 3-1, do the Clippers have a chance? During this blog I will examine both teams to determine if the Clippers have a chance in winning this series headed into game 5. The Clippers have outplayed the Suns...

Who Will Win The ECF?

If you told me at the beginning of the season that the eastern conference finals would consist of the Bucks and the Hawks, I would ask what drugs are you on? Everyone knows that during the regular season the Bucks look like title contenders, or maybe even title favorites,...

What’s Wrong With The Nets?

The Nets are currently not looking good. In the first game versus the Bucks in the second round of the playoffs, James Harden was immediately injured. Nonetheless, the Nets got an easy 2-0 lead versus the Bucks, but that went as fast as it came. The series is now...

Denver’s Situation Headed Into Game 3

So far in the Nuggets, Suns series it has looked one sided. The Suns have taken the first two games by 25 and 17 points, so the question for the Nuggets is how can they recover? Just by watching the games you can tell the Nuggets need to have...

Future of the Bucks

Today I will be discussing the future of the Bucks. As of June 8th, the Bucks are down 2-0 to a Nets team playing without James Harden. The two problems the Bucks are facing are can Giannis play with another superstar, and their bench depth. The Bucks are similar...

Suns vs. Nuggets

Today I will be talking about how the Suns will match up against the Denver Nuggets. This is a very close matchup because of the depth on both teams and how both teams defenses will hold up. First off, I think the Suns bench is better than the Nuggets....