S&P Weekly Update

This week we are looking at the ETF SQQQ. For those who do not know, shorting a stock is making profit on poor performance; the lower the stock goes, the more money the holder of the short position makes. SQQQ is a short term ETF that shorts the entire market, so when the market does poorly, SQQQ does well. The reason we are looking at SQQQ was discussed last week, the Michael Burry short on the market. Michael Burry is an expert on discovering patterns—he predicted the 2008 housing market crash— so when he takes all of his money out of the market it is for a reason. A potential reason he took his money out of the market is because of the rising interest rates and extreme inflation. We advise you to look at SQQQ but only as a short term, day trade stock; we do not advise to swing trade this ETF.

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